15 research outputs found


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    Perlindungan hukum represif dilaksanakan salah satunya dengan melakukan revisi terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur perlindungan terhadap saksi dan korban dalam tindak pidana penganiayaan anak dalam keluarga. Beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan revisi pertama perlindungan saksi dan korban dalam KUHAP, kedua pengintegrasian LPSK dalam Criminal Justice System, ketiga penguatan peran kepolisian; kejaksaan; dan pengadilan dalam perlindungan terhadap saksi dan korban. Pelaksanaan ratifikasi Pemerintah Indonesia mengesahkan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak (yang selanjutnya disebut dengan UU PA). Perlindungan dalam bentuk restitusi tersebut difasilitasi oleh LPSK dengan pertimbangan bahwa pelaku mempunyai kemampuan ekonomi untuk memberikan restitusi terhadap korban yakni ganti kerugian atas penderitaan sebagai akibat tindak pidana berupa biaya yang dikeluarkan orangtua korban untuk transportasi selama proses hukum, biaya pengurusan pengacara, dan biaya lain yang dikeluarkan akibat peristiwa pidana yang terjadi serta penggantian biaya perawatan medis dan/atau psikologis. Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Saksi dan Korban


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    Karya tulis ini disusun untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dan memberikan paparan mengenai PENGELOLAAN DATABASE DENGAN MENGGUNKAN STORED PROCEDURES PADA SYBASE SQL SERVER SYSTEM 11.0 UNTUK PENGHITUNGAN BUNGA DEPOSITO PADA BANK PERKREDITAN RAKYAT (BPR) “KURNIA SEWON”, dengan aplikasi pendukung Microsoft Visual Basic Ver. 6.0. SQL Server system 11.0 adalah salah satu perangkat lunak untuk membangun sistem basisdata yang besar, dan interaktif, karena dapat diakses langsung oleh banyak pengguna melalui sistem jaringan komputer, dengan konsep Client/Server, maka manipulasi database dari pengguna jadi lebih efisien. Stored Procedures sebagai salah satu fasilitas dari SQL Server Sybase System 11.0 memberikan efisiensi pada tingkatan penulisan program aplikasi pada client, karena tidak memerlukan penulisan program yang besar dan panjang. Dengan adanya ODBC sangat memudahkan untuk mengatur konektifitas antara pemakai atau client dengan database server, didukung dengan adanya ADODC connections sebagai objek yang ada pada Microsoft Visual Basic Ver. 6.0 (SP-5) pengaturan koneksi database menjadi sangat bagus


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    Microsoft word is a word processing software in document creation that is the mainstay of Microsoft. In this software there is a track changes feature which functions to track changes made by the reviewer in carrying out the review work. The purpose of the training is to train students in using the track changes feature in Microsoft Word. The training conducted at the Polbangtan Yogyakarta-Magelang hall is a form of community service, especially students. The stages of service are 1. socialization of the track changes feature in Microsoft word; 2. carry out training on these features by students; 3. evaluation of training programs. The result of community service is that post-training Polbangtan livestock department students are able to apply the track changes feature in Microsoft word software


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    The Planning and realization of application system to stop motor DC automatically using ultrasonic range censor based on microcontroller AVR ATMega8535 has been done. System consist of hardware and software. Hardware consists of ultrasonic range censor, ATMega8535 microcontroller, LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display), relay and DC motor. Ultrasonic transmitter sends a signal with frequency of 40KHz. In the moment of this delivery will activate the internal timer of microcontroller, and will desist when bound signal accepted by receiver. This data is then processed by microcontroller become distance and presented by LCD. When appearance at the LCD shows scale of 30 cm, relay will open so that motor DC desist. The realization of the system has been done and can measure distance with mistake tolerance of 2% and can give command to stop DC motor

    Tipologi pemikiran pendidikan Islam : Studi pemikiran Imam Suprayogo dan Azyumardi Azra

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    INDONESIA: Arus globalisasi saat ini telah menimbulkan banyak sekali perubahan dari segala aspek kehidupan. Perubahan ini tidak dapat dihindari akibat dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang sedemikian cepat. Perkembangan dunia global yang begitu cepat dapat berdampak positif dan negatif pada generasi suatu bangsa. Sebagai agen perubahan sosial, pendidikan Islam yang berada dalam atmosfir modernisasi dan globalisasi dewasa ini dituntut untuk mampu memainkan perannya secara dinamis dan proaktif. Menanggapi hal ini Imam Suprayogo dan Azyumardi Azra mengeluarkan ide-ide cemerlangnya, dan kehadirannya diharapkan mampu membawa perubahan dan kontribusi yang berarti bagi perbaikan pendidikan Islam, baik pada tataran intelektual teoritis maupun praktis. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini, Pertama, mendeskripsikan pemikiran pendidikan Islam Imam Suprayogo dan Azyumardi Azra. Kedua menganalisis persamaan dan perbedaan pemikiran pendidikan Islam Imam Suprayogo dan Azyumardi Azra. Ketiga menganalisis tipologi pemikiran pendidikan Islam Imam Suprayogo dan Azyumardi Azra. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kajian pustaka (library research), dan pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi dan wawancara. Adapun teknik analisis datanya menggunakan content analysis, historis dan tipologis yang semuanya untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian tentang tipologi pemikiran pendidikan Islam Imam Suprayogo dan Azyumardi Azra. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menemukan bahwa (1) Pembaharuan dan pengembangan pendidikan Islam adalah sebuah keniscayaan dalam menghadapi tantangan global agar lembaga pendidikan Islam terpinggirkan (2) Adanya persamaan dan perbedaan pemikiran keduanya secara teoritis dan aplikasi dalam mereformulasi pengertian pendidikan Islam, dasar pendidikan Islam, tujuan pendidikan Islam, kurikulum pendidikan Islam, peran madrasah dalam pengembangan pendidikan Islam dan Peran PTAIN dalam pengembangan pendidikan Islam. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwasanya berdasarkan tipolgi yang dikonsep Muhaimin, Imam Suprayogo termasuk dalam kategori tipologi perenial-esensialis kontekstual falsifikatif dan Azyumardi Azra dalam kategori rekontruksi sosial berdasarkan tauhid. Apabila ditijau dari konsep aliran pendidikan Jawad Ridla keduanya termasuk dalam kategori aliran pragmatis. Sedangkan menurut penulis sendiri pemikiran Imam suprayogo bersifat fenomenologi kontekstual dan Azyumardi Azra bersifat historis kontekstual. ENGLISH: Globalization wave has caused a lot of changes towards various aspects of life. This shift can not be avoided due to the development of knowledge and technology rapidly. The rapid development of global world causes positive and negative effects towards the young generation of a nation. As the agent of social change, Islamic education which is within the atmosphere of modernity and globalization is demanded to be able to play its significant role dynamically and proactively. As the reaction to this kind of phenomenon, Imam Suprayogo and Azyumardi Azra express any wonderful ideas which will bring significant changes and contribution to the reparation of Islamic education towards those intellects theoretically and practically. The purposes of the study are first, to describe Islamic Education based on the perspectives of Imam Suprayogo and Azyumardi Azra. To analyze the similarities and the differences of Islamic Education based on the perspectives of Imam Suprayogo and Azyumardi Azra for the second. The last one is to analyze the typology of Islamic Education based on the perspectives of Imam Suprayogo and Azyumardi Azra. This research is a library research type. The data collection method performed by doing documentations and interviews. The data analysis technique uses content analysis, historic, typology to answer the problems of the study about typology of Islamic educational thought of Imam Suprayogo and Azyumardi Azra. The results of the study showed as follows: 1) the renewal and the development of Islamic education is the necessity acts to face the global challenges to marginalize Islamic educational institutions, 2) The existence of both similarities and differences of thoughts theoretically and practically in reformulating the definition of Islamic Education, the basic of Islamic education, the goals of Islamic education, the curriculum of Islamic education, the role of Islamic institution in the development of Islamic education and the role of PTAIN in the development of Islamic education. From the results of the study, the researcher concluded that typology based on Muhaimin, Imam Suprayogo perspectives involved in the category of perennial-essential-contextual falsificative. While the perspective of Azyumardi Azra was involve in the category of social reconstruction based on Tauhid. If it is viewed from the concept of Jawad Ridla doctrines, the two perspectives were involved in the category of Pragmatic. Meanwhile, according to the researcher, Imam Suprayogo’s thought was categorized in contextual phenomenology and the Azra’s was categorized in contextual history

    Pembinaan Akhlak Siswa melalui Integrasi Pesantren dan Sekolah (Studi Analisis di Smk Ma'arif 1 Kebumen)

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    The role of the cottage pesantern in fostering morals already uncontested again with a lot of challenges and temptations for the life of the students. This study aims to describe and learn about the role of boarding school in fostering promiscuity teen in SMK Ma'arif 1 Kebumen. This study is a field research and types of qualitative research. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique that used qualitative descriptive analysis which consists of 3 grooves of the activities that take place simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusion. This technique is used as a reference for the writing of the results of research and facilitate understanding of the description, which presented the results of the end of the study. The research will be looking the role of the pesantren in the development of character in SMK ma'arif 1 Kebumen. Expected from the coaching to the youth as the next generation can give birth to a generation better. The generation that is able to maintain values but can contribute to the development of the Indonesian nation from the physical and spiritual. Keywords: Coaching, Chastity, Integration, Boarding School, School

    Analisa formulasi strategi pemasaran Biru Api Event and Communication

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    Analisa Formulasi Strategi Pemasaran oleh Biru Api adalah salah satu uji kasus marketing yang dilakukan penulis untuk menetapkan langkah- langkah dalam pelaksanaan strategi pemasaran. Dengan mengutamakan analisa lingkungan (environmental analyze) atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah SWOT Analyze, penulis berusaha membandingkan strategi pemasaran yang diterapkan manajemen Biru Api dengan strategi pemasaran `7P?; produk; proses; pelaksana (people); penempatan (place); harga (price); promosi; physical evidance. Dengan tidak melupakan perilaku konsumen (customer?s behavior), Biru Api berusaha meningkatkan pelayanan yang diberikan dengan selalu memberikan ide atau konsep acara yang inovatif dan beda

    Implikasi Kebijakan Otonomi Daerah terhadap Pengelolaan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

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    Madrasah performance dominantly to date is very low and below the standard of other educational institutions. Only a small number of Islamic education are able to compete with other educational institutions. Seeing such a phenomenon is interesting to conduct an assessment of the conditions and problems that are actually faced by Islamic education institutions in Indonesia. Research is a literature research with the focus of the study of the implications of regional autonomy policies in the management of Islamic educational institutions, while the object to be studied is the implications of the regional autonomy policy in the management of Islamic educational institutions, with the procedure for obtaining data on researchers using literature. The data obtained will be identified, examined, analyzed, and interpreted so that the substance of the implications of regional autonomy policies in the management of Islamic educational institutions can be captured. After that, researchers will try to compare with other theories, to achieve a complete picture of the implications of regional autonomy policies in the management of Islamic educational institutions. The results of the study that the presence of madrasas in Indonesia has the same duties and roles as schools. As an educational institution that prepares the young generation of Muslims for the future, madrassas are expected to be able to produce graduates who will be able to play an important role in all sectors of national life, both the religious, social, economic, political, scientific and technology sectors. Madrasas are seeded than public schools because madrasas provide religious education (which is better than public schools) in addition to public education (which is the same as public schools). The problem that is still faced by madrasas today is the still low quality standards of general education provided in madrasas. Problems in the management of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia faced, are (1) management problems which include the field of human resources/education personnel, curriculum fields, facilities and infrastructure; (2) Conceptual-Teoritis and Operational-Practical Problems; and (3) the problem of education policies and politics. Keywords: Implications, Regional Autonomy, Madrasa, Problems, Solution